• The invoice/document must bear the correct and complete Mondelēz International Company Name for the relevant purchasing entity and the VAT/Tax Registration Number (where locally required);
  • Have a reference to a valid Purchase Order number
    • The invoice MUST include full line-level details (PO line number, Description of the goods/services provided, Quantity, Price, Unit of measure, Extended amount)
    • State the currency and measuring units as mentioned in the Purchase Order;
  • The document MUST be an invoice or a valid substitute (Note: Proforma Invoices, Purchase Orders, Statement of Accounts, Reminders, Letters, etc., are not allowed for processing);
  • An invoice for reimbursable charges (like airfare, hotel, etc.) MUST contain appropriate back-up documentation (such as receipts);
  • An invoice issued for services by a supplier outside the billing country MUST specifically state in what country the services were performed;
  • The invoice/document MUST be readable;
  • The invoice MUST NOT be dated before the delivery of goods or services;
  • The Invoice MUST not be a duplicate (double submission);
  • The invoice must have the breakdown of the gross and net invoice values (Tax) where locally required; and
  • Specific for EU - Invoices for local supply issued in other than local currency should follow the local requirements with respect to amounts (net, VAT) to be displayed on the invoice in local currency.
  • Include YOUR complete/registered VAT/Tax ID Number;
  • Include YOUR complete/registered bank details; and
  • For non-PO invoices, MDLZ contact person and email address is always required.
  • For any invoice related queries (including payment status, e-invoicing issues, Tungsten connections, and scanning center queries), please reach out to

Invoices with missing or incorrect information will be rejected.