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Meet Karol Molenda, Manager Sourcing Dairy Products MEU

"This Jump programme gives you many opportunities also for networking and getting visibility in a big organization which is critical in career advancement."

Karol Molenda, Manager Sourcing Dairy Products MEU

Friday, November 17, 2023

What did your career development look like? (what role did you join the company on and how did you progress)

I have joined from Other multinational producing health and Hygiene products for a 3 year rotational Jump programme to MDLZ Warsaw. I started with 1 year role in Planning, being responsible for production and material planning to our Biscuits factory in Jarosław, then for second rotation I have moved to Local procurement role ( Raw material area) and for the third rotation I moved to my first managerial role in Sourcing, Flexible packaging. After 1.5 year in a role I have changed the scope and grew with responsibilities and after 3 years in packaging I have moved to the role in External manufacturing as Advanced Sourcing manager driving digital agenda, benchmarking, reporting and sourcing best practice implementation in our External manufacturing Team. Now, since 2 years I am responsible for sourcing of Dairy products to our European factories, I have a Team of 4 buyers who source with me Dairy powders, Butter, Anhydrous milk fat, cheeses and other dairy products cross category.

What was for you the biggest advantage of the Early Careers Program?

When I was joining the programme 8 years ago, it was definitely a visibility in the organization and opportunities to explore couple of business areas within relatively short period of time. I would also say that from the very begging I was given important and strategic projects to handle, these were not easy tasks but let me grew very quickly and challenge myself to the limits.

What kind of support did you have during the program? What helped you to overcome obstacles on your journey to success?

Majority of the support was coming from being pro-active. The sooner we understand that our career advancement is depending 90% on our own actions the better results we will receive. As a jumpee of course I had some additional attention from my managers but it was equally challenging to look for new opportunities, I was going through the full recruitment process competing with other colleagues within the organization on an equal terms.

What would you say where the biggest learnings for you during the program?

The more you see and experience in your early career level the better. It gives you a broader perspective later on which is invaluable.

What is your advice for a successful career planning? What do you think is crucial for a successful career planning?

It is important to try new things, trying to understand where your set of skills works best but also what new skills you will need to be more valuable to organization, fit for the new roles.

This Jump programme gives you many opportunities also for networking and getting visibility in a big organization which is critical in career advancement.

What is something that you are proud of looking at your career so far?

Many changes over the last 8 years but also lots of learnings and great contributions that I did to the organization along with my Team and colleagues. Working in supply chain you solve a lot of significant problems that may impact business performance ( factory stoppages, service risk, quality challenges, fires at the supplier side, difficult contract negotiations or claims and more and more challenges that you face on a daily basis !).

What is your dearest memory from the program?

A big Jump related even that was happening at the end of my programme where we gathered with all Jumpees from Central Europe in Wrocław R&D centre. It was great learning opportunity as we had lots of interesting guests and Leaders attending and great networking opportunity.

What advice would you give to someone who is thinking of applying for our program?

It is worth it as it helps you to differentiate your career. Anyhow, be prepared that it is you who needs to make a difference and 90% of success is fully dependent on your actions, build your own story. Still you will be supported to achieve a success !

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