Bold step forward in ambition to build a more sustainable snacking company

Monday, November 01, 2021

We are excited to announce our commitment to a target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions across our full value chain by 2050.

As part of the commitment, we have signed the Science Based Targets initiative’s Business Ambition for 1.5°C, aligning our long-term emissions mitigation targets with the ambitious aim of limiting temperature rise in accordance with the Paris Agreement. We've also joined the United Nations Race to Zero Campaign to help build momentum towards a decarbonized economy. These commitments mark a bold step forward in our differentiated approach to sustainability that is helping drive lasting progress at scale and creating long-term value for our business and stakeholders.

"For the last several years, we've worked with the Science Based Targets initiative to reduce our emissions footprint and our announcement today will help accelerate our existing efforts to create a more sustainable snacking company," said Dirk Van de Put, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. "We're transforming how we do business across our operations and with the suppliers and farmers we work with – from seeking to improve cocoa farming practices in West Africa to promoting regenerative agriculture in wheat fields in the Midwest United States."

Over the next two years, the company will lay out a time-bound plan including interim targets for its key emissions sources consistent with the 1.5°C protocol and will provide annual progress reviews for transparency as laid out by the Science Based Target initiative.

End-to-End Approach to Net Zero Target

Our approach to ESG is designed to enable us to deliver lasting change at scale by prioritizing where we can have the greatest impact, focusing on innovative and measurable solutions, and collaborating to drive sector-wide transformation. We'll take an end-to-end approach in our aim to reach our net zero emissions target by focusing efforts across key areas and delivering against existing goals and targets:

Sustainably Sourced Ingredients and Packaging

  • Source 100% cocoa volume for chocolate brands through Cocoa Life Program by 2025
  • Source 100% wheat volume for EU biscuits through the Harmony Program by 2022
  • Design 100% of packaging to be recycle ready by 2025
  • Reduce overall virgin plastic use by 5% and reduce overall virgin rigid plastic by 25% by 2025

Our Operations

  • Continue to convert global manufacturing electricity footprint to renewable energy
  • Reduce food waste by 15% in manufacturing and 50% in distribution by 2025
  • Work toward achieving energy efficiency for biscuit ovens and steam boilers
  • Start replacing thermal fuels (e.g., natural gas, diesel, gasoline) with "green" alternatives


  • Invest in new mobility concepts including electric and hydrogen trucks
  • Reduce warehouse emissions at both owned and third-party facilities by converting to renewable energy sources
  • Improve efficiency of distribution networks by optimizing routes, improving truck & container utilization, increasing intermodal solutions and reducing traveled distances

Building on Existing Commitments and Actions

"While we've already made significant progress, the road to net zero will require further transformation of our business as well as global collaboration across industries, sectors and landscapes," said Chris McGrath, VP & Chief of Global Impact & Sustainability. "We will remain focused on leveraging proven models and available solutions, while at the same time using our scale and influence to help drive technical advancement, public-private collaboration and investment to incubate innovation."

For more details on this announcement, please see our Climate Transition page.

For further information on Mondelēz International’s sustainability strategy, goals, and progress, please see the Snacking Made Right section of our website.