Climate Action

The consequences of climate change are everywhere and escalating. We are taking action and building on our progress in reducing our end-to-end carbon footprint. We have signed the SBTi’s Business Ambition for 1.5°C, aligning our long-term emissions mitigation goals with the Paris Agreement’s aim of limiting temperature rise. We've also joined the United Nations “Race to Zero” campaign to help build momentum toward a decarbonized economy. In April 2024 the SBTi (Science Based Targets initiative) successfully validated our net-zero target resulting in the approval of our full value chain goal to reduce end-to-end GHG emissions ~35% by 2030 and net-zero by 2050 from a 2018 base year.

Achieving net zero is no easy task but we have set a clear path to steer toward our long-term goal. To deliver lasting change at scale, we are prioritizing where we believe we can have the greatest impact, focusing on innovative and measurable solutions, and collaborating to drive sector-wide transformation. We take an end-to-end approach – from field to shelf – to work towards our net zero emissions goal by focusing our strategic efforts on three prominent drivers of carbon emissions in the food and beverage sector: land-use change, including deforestation; emissions related to farming; and use of fossil fuels. That’s why we regard deforestation-free, regenerative agriculture and the avoidance of fossil fuels as key focus areas to help reduce our emissions.

Carbon Sources

Land Conversion driven by agricultural production

Cattle digestive emissions, cattle feed, farming inputs, soil depletion

Fuels used for combustion (Energy) and materials (Pack)


Deforestation Free

Regenerative Agriculture

Reduce/replace fossil fuels

Figure 1. Our three key strategic drivers for reducing carbon.

We are transforming how we do business across 150 countries, tens of thousands of suppliers and hundreds of thousands of farmers. Our sustainability focus is to drive lasting progress at scale and creating long-term value for our business and stakeholders.

Our targets to reduce CO₂ emissions in our operations and across our value chain constitute a concrete approach to mitigating climate change risks. Amongst other things, we aim for the end of deforestation across our primary commodities over the next several years. Our goal is to seek no deforestation across our primary commodities following an approach starting with our European Business and rolled out to our other regions by 31 December 2025, in accordance with EU regulations and SBTi guidance.

Statement re: US Chamber of Commerce and Climate

Mondelēz International has memberships in many trade associations, and we do not always agree with all of their policy positions, which we regularly review. The Company supports the Paris Climate Agreement publicly through many avenues, including the Company’s own statements (found here) and support for initiatives such as America is All In, a coalition of companies supporting the Paris Climate Agreement and government policies to address climate change. In instances where the Company does not share certain views of its associations, the Company makes those positions known through the Company’s representatives within those associations. For example, the Company is a member of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, but the Company does not serve on the organization’s Board and does not share its views on climate policy.